Jan 17, 2010

المشاكل (الفضائح) العالقة في حقيبة الفساد

أقرأ بين الحين والآخر مدونات لها صوت اصلاحي ثائر.
جميــــــل جدا أن تجد في هذا البلد الطيب صوتا يريد الإصلاح ويرفض الظلم والفساد والبغي بكل أشكاله.

مختصر قضايا الفساد السياسي في الكويت ما يلي

- غياب النزاهة والشفافية في طرح وارساء المناقصات الحكومية وتفصيل مواصفات تتطابق مع امكانات شركة محددة من دون اتاحة الفرصة لتنافس حقيقي
- منح تراخيص تجارية أو استغلال اراضي الدولة لاصحاب النفوذ وفق اطار تبادل المصالح أو مقابل رشوة أو تبادل المنافع السياسية.
- اسناد المناصب الحكومية على اساس المحاباة والواسطة والمحسوبية والقرابة والولاء السياسي
واهدار مبدأ الكفاءة في ظل غياب مبدأ المساواة وتكافؤ الفرص
- تعقيد الاجراءات الادارية وبطء انجاز المعاملات ما ادى الى تنامي الحاجة للواسطة أو الرشوة ليس فقط من اجل مخالفة القانون بل حتى من اجل تطبيقه.
- استغلال المنصب العام لتحقيق مصالح سياسية ومحاولة التأثير في الاحكام القضائية وشراء الولاءات والتحالف بين اصحاب المناصب واصحاب المصالح الخاصة بما يسبب استنزاف المال العام

مهما علت أصوات الاجتجاج والاستنكار والرفض, هل هنالك من حلول منطقية و مجدية لتلك التجاوزات ؟
لم أجد إلى الآن أي مدونة تناولت مبدأ الٌصلاح من منطلق تغيير النموذج الشعبي المتمثل بعقلية الشارع الكويتي
الجميع يلقي باللائمة على الحكومة والهيئة التنفيذية, و لكن الشعب يمثل طرفا لا يستهان به في هذه القضية

علينا اولا وضع حلول عملية للإصلاح تستند على سياسة حكيمة لا تثير البلبلة والانقسامات بين جميع التوجهات
هل هنالك من برنامج عملي للإصلاح ؟؟!!!
بخلاف برامج مجلس الأمة التي لا تسمن ولا تغني من جوع- سوى بالتسويف وتعطيل الأمور

Jan 15, 2010

Killing us (women) softly !!

In commercial adds feild, there is controversy regarding women. The psychology of the image that is portrayed of women in commercial ads is multifaceted. We are shown images of women who are confident, sexy and sometimes a little intimidating and poor in their treatment of the humble male.

Jean Kilbourne is an author, speaker, and filmmaker who is internationally recognized for her groundbreaking work on the image of women in advertising and her critical studies of alcohol and tobacco advertising. In the late 1960s she began her exploration of the connection between advertising and several public health issues, including violence against women. Her pioneering work helped develop and popularize the study of gender representation in advertising. Her award-winning "Killing us Softly" films have influenced millions of college and high school students across two generations and on an international scale. In this important new film, Kilbourne reviews if and how the image of women in advertising has changed over the last 20 years.

With wit and warmth, Kilbourne uses over 160 ads and TV commercials to critique advertising's image of women. By fostering creative and productive dialogue, she invites viewers to look at familiar images in a new way, that moves and empowers them to take action.

CAUTION: The film is too offensive to our conservative viewers
PLS DO NOT watch unless you are a woman.

Killing us Softly 3

Finally, yet another way of offending women, although it's a product of Kuwait!

Zain backup ads

Sources: wikipedia
Media Education Foundation

Jan 10, 2010

Can we live longer ?!

Scientific evidences showed that humans have the capacity to lengthen their average life span by hundreds of years. Follow these instructions to live longer than expected:

1. Mental health : keep your life free of stress, depression, sadness and keep a circle of family and friends (i.e. maintain happiness).

2. V
itamin C as a key anti-aging agent.

3. Immediately remove the following from your life style: (smoking, alcohol, drugs, cholesterol increasing diet and chemicals in food (e.g. preservatives, colors,
sodium glutamate, aspartame, salt, etc..). Completely remove junk food and soft drinks from your diet.

4. Do exercises regularly (30-60 min. a day)

5. Eat more fruits and vegetables, decrease calories.

6. Maintain healthy weight, a
void saturated fats and cut out of meat.

Be faithful (religious).

8. Avoid too much sun.

9. Get your vitamins and maintain your health (visit the doctors regularly).

10. Practice safe sex.

11. Be optimistic, and build a secure-stable social life.

12. Involve in activities especially brainstorming type (keep using your mind regularly, and compare it with the car battery, if its unused, it will vanish !).

13. Brush your teeth and floss regularly.

In the next blog I will explain each point in detail.

Jan 4, 2010

Compassion/kindness and feminism

The relationship between feminism and motherhood is problematic. Is it this issue which makes some females more compassionate than others ? I've always been compassionate, and I'm becoming more and more compassionate over time. I suppose it's a matter of putting yourself in the shoes of others, and doing your best to remember that we all deserve to be treated with the same basic human respect. I don't know if that's easier said than done, as I don't know how you think. But how about females who lack any sense of kindness/compassion ?

Feminist theorists question issues such as the relationship between sex, sexuality, love, emotional satisfaction and the psychological status of women. If you are dealing with feminism world, you would expect most old single unhappy females to lack any sense of compassion/kindness simply because they are lonely ! Okey, being lonely shouldn't always be a depressive matter.

According to a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research and the University of Pennsylvania published in May 2009 women are feeling less good about themselves and their lives. The title of the study is “The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness.” The authors of the research, Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers write: “By many objective measures the lives of women in the United States have improved over the past 35 years, yet we show that measures of subjective well-being indicate that women’s happiness has declined both absolutely and relative to men.” The researchers carried out their study across cultural, socioeconomic, and ethnic groups in several industrialized countries. Similar research was carried out in the 1970s and women were cheerier back then. Women used to be generally happier than men, now a “new gender gap is emerging - one with higher subjective well-being for men.”