Jul 28, 2007

In my thoughts

Everybody needs Oxygen .. I have a rigorous breathing instinct .. sometimes one can breath air, I breath u ! I have hectic thoughts nowadays .. confused, mixed with every single emotional collapse !

Some of my thoughts, I love you whatever you say .. whenever .. and always, can't explain it sometimes, never succeeded ... when I defeat the moment of silence with my words, also never stopped thinking of the endless memories of you in my world

Some melodies:
Breath me (Sia)

Sweet Words (Norah Jones)...

Forever (Breaking Benjamin)...

Final Fantasy ~ The Way of Love (Cher)

The End

Jul 22, 2007

Stop !!

Stop hurting me, while you don't know how I feel .. can you stop it please !
It is really hurting ... why ? I keep asking my self .. why it's just like this?
It is so cold right here .. so dark ... I can't find my way ..
yet, you are so harsh in your silence.
It gives me all meaning of nothing than ... it's no big deal !

I can't feel ecxept heartless words ..
I don't see a thing beyond that
It is so harsh ... tough ...
and hurting me again and again and again ....................
while you keep saying you are empty .. my mind is full of you !
It hurts .